Bucks Climate Action Alliance: Pathways for Change
This document describes and gives examples of the actions likely to be required by Buckinghamshire Council and others to address the Climate Emergency that we should all collectively be working towards.
Acknowledge that there is a climate emergency, and therefore a need for urgent action by all parties, including local government, to reach net zero carbon emissions as quickly as possible.
Assess current climate change impacts through a carbon audit of council and countywide emissions.
Incorporate consideration of climate change impacts as a key factor in all decision-making across all council functions and all policy areas.
Put in place structures to ensure this will happen, including:
having a climate emergency “champion” with a Cabinet position or other senior role to oversee and coordinate relevant activity across all portfolios;
appointing specialist employees with appropriate skills to lead on this work;
training councillors and council staff about climate change to enable them to respond to the climate
emergency in everything they do
lobbying central government for the necessary powers and resources to enable effective delivery at the local
campaigning for a change in accounting methods and rules to allow carbon emissions to be monetised, or
some alternative mechanism, to give climate impacts appropriate status within cost-benefit analyses;
taking all opportunities to apply for funding pots from central government and other sources in order to
fund projects.
In all purchasing and investment decisions, have regard to the carbon footprint and the other parties’ policies and practices in relation to the climate emergency.
To the maximum extent allowed by law, include climate emergency considerations as a factor in regulatory decisions.
Lead by example through corporate policies and practices (for example travel and catering), and by councillor / employee behaviour.
Recognise and maximise the economic opportunities that will arise from the transformation to a low-carbon economy.
In identifying and progressing initiatives to address the climate emergency, research and draw on best practice and the experience of other local authorities, as well as innovating where necessary.
Without delay, embark on initiatives in areas where clear, tried-and-tested solutions exist.
In parallel, set out and adhere to a programme of research to identify the necessary measures required in areas where solutions and remedies are more challenging, in order to achieve an ambitious net zero target date.
Employ a holistic package involving reductions in energy use and in other carbon emissions stemming from activities and consumption, maximising the potential for renewable energy generation, sequestration of carbon through tree planting and other land management techniques, and measures to lessen and protect from the impacts of climate change such as extreme weather.
Engage fully with stakeholders, other tiers of local government, and the wider public, explaining the need for action, encouraging individual action, and welcoming constructive input.